I was browsing through Marce Kaye's kikay blog: Beauty Queen Gene, which is to become the new home of the Thursday meme Girls Talk! beginning July when I chance upon this online quiz called, "What shade of lipstick are you?" from Quiztronix. And the answer is PEACH. I know that peach doesn't suit my skin color so I don't know. The result however says a little bit something... okay, a LOT about me.
You aren't a very loud person. You are calm and quiet and like to make everbody happy, even if it means giving up on your own needs. You can always say "no", you know. Just remember, YOU are important!
What do you know? I just can't help but agree with what the results are saying BUT not the shade of lipstick. I am more inclined to neutral or rich shades. As if I wear lipstick! LOL!