Hear ye, all gadget fans of Germany. O2 has a very tempting offer for Smartphones. There is an ongoing special promotion for smartphones. You can now own the latest Smartphone of your choice without having to pay the entire smartphone price. O2 I think is the first to offer Ratenzahlung, making smartphones now more affordable to ordinary people like me.
You can own an Apple iPhone 4S 16GB for instance at €27.50 monthly for 24-month installment or €55.00 monthly for 12-month installment. You only need to pay downpayment of €19 to get the unit.
Or the new Samsung Galaxy Note (which I have been eyeing for quite sometime now, thanks to the latest Korean Drama, Rooftop Prince) at €22.50 monthly for 24-month installment or €45.00 for 12-month installment, with a downpayment of only €1.00.
There is also the HTC One S at €25.00 monthly for 24-month installment of €50.00 for 12-month installment, with a downpayment of only €1.00.
You can find other smartphones on offer at the O2 website. These prices are without contracts. You can also choose from a variety of 24-month Postpaid plans. And for a limited time only, O2 is offering a 10% discount on the monthly tarif rates for the first 12 months of a 24-month contract and a free connection fee worth €29.99 for purchases made only until 27 June 2012. Ain't it just great? I am even tempted to avail of this offer. So, should I still wait for my old cellphone to retire or should I go and get a new phone, a smartphone at that?

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