Wednesday, September 18, 2013

It's Stocking Season Once Again

The days are shorter and the nights are getting colder... and it is the time of year for them good old stockings. They come in different shades and colors and materials, and different lengths too!

Knee-High Socks:

Match your plaid and / striped combo with knee-high socks and you'll look as if you just got off from a fashion pictorial. :)

Overknees or Over-the-knee:

Source: (L), (R)

If Overknee boots are not for you, you can wear the substitute: over-the-knee socks and still look chic in it. It's the trend this fall season. Plus it gives you the excuse to still wear your shorts, skirts and dresses with your favorite pumps or ballerinas without freezing in the cold.

They also go well with ankle boots too!

Good old Tights:

These will never go out of style and will always be a basic in autumn fashion. They come in bright colors, with patterns, volume elements and sometimes, embroidery too!

Upgrade your fall wardrobe now with a pair or two of these stockings or socks or whatever you call it and look your best this fall season!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Planting For Spring

Autumn is a good time to prepare your little home garden (even a pot garden) for spring. Why? Because it allows you seeds to sleep for a long time until it wakes up to the warmth of the spring air. In this part of the globe, the best times to plant bulb flowers like tulips, crocusses and narcissus is during the cold months between September and December. By April and May, you could expect your flowers to bloom.

We planted three tulip varieties: Triumph Tulpen, Indian Summer and  Farbenrausch.
I guess it a blessing in disguise when my daughter insisted that we plant as early as now. Yesterday, we planted our tulip bulbs, with the little insisting that she put the bulbs in herself. Thankfully, we live four floors up so there is no risk of snails creeping up into the balcony. With this wet autumn, you could always expect these naked snails (they don't carry their shells) to slither their way into pavements and terrace steps. Otherwise we would have to take action and do our own "do it yourself pest control".

She is so into it! She even skipped Kindergarten so she could plant the bulbs herself!
I just hope the flower bulbs will grow and transform into beautiful tulip blooms. Now I have something to look forward to in Spring: a burst of colors from our little pot garden in the balcony.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Fridge for a
Busy Mom Like Me

We decided to buy our own fridge a few months back because we always run out of fridge space with the one that is included in the fitted kitchen. When we go shopping for our groceries, we cannot stock on meat and vegetables because there is just too little space in the old one. It was really disadvantageous because we end up buying choice cut meat, which are considerably pricey, and we have to go to the groceries once a week to furnish our supplies.

Fortunately, my husband was determined to buy us a big fridge with a freezer so that he can also stock up on pork legs and feet, which he uses as soup stock for his ramen. Was I so happy! We went to the appliance store and searched for the ONE. It took us quite a while because we were deciding between a white one and a stainless steel. We finally settled on the stainless steel Liebherr upright ref-freezer combi after much thought.

What I like about this appliance it that it keeps vegetables and fruits fresh for a longer period of time so I don't have to worry on stocking them too. And it has adjustable shelving so I can move them whenever I want depending on the space I need. You can also control the temperature for both the freezer and the fridge and has an option for Superfrost for the freezer and ventilation for the fridge. I know that we will have this one for quite a long time. It also has a A++ efficiency grade, which means savings in energy consumption and green emissions.

It even has become a home to our little girl's artworks and our magnetic souvenirs. :) 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Don't Be A Victim!

The world is full of hackers, phishers, scammers... so you have to always be careful what sites you enter. If you are fond of watching korean dramas (like me) or movies on streaming sites, you must be familiar with the endless ads and pop-out windows that come flashing each time you click on something. These may seem like just ads but you never know if it is already a virus that creeps into your computer system and eating away your data or a robot that crawls and collects important personal information.

So before you venture into these sites, make sure your computer is safe and protected. Never hesitate to install a good anti-virus software that also has internet protection. There are many good anti-virus softwares out there, including the avira professional anti virus software. With so many smart people these days trying to take advantage of those who are not so internet savvy, it is always better to be on the safe side. So don't be a victim. Give your computer the protection it deserves.

The Poor Vikki

Perhaps its my fault... but after a little over two years of using my laptop, she suddenly died on me! :( Maybe its because I don't put it on sleep mode whenever I am using it and just let it run 24/7. To think that I have so many files in it, including my thesis data and report, and images from our travels to name a few. 

When I asked my personal hardware technician a.k.a. husband to take a look at it for me, he said that it's most probably because of the fan. It doesn't work anymore so that the system automatically shuts down the computer when the processor gets too hot to prevent it from doing further damage. So all I had to do was look for a replacement fan on the internet. It's also one of the reasons why my husband was skeptic about Sony Vaio laptop computers because it usually is good only a little bit after the two-year warranty period. So I guess the next time I buy a Sony Vaio laptop computer, I should get a three-year warranty so that when it dies on me a few months after the two years general warranty, I can still claim for free repairs and services. 

I hope the fan I ordered online comes soon... So I can make a back-up of my files and work on the article I promised a friend to write for a university publication.


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