We decided to buy our own fridge a few months back because we always run out of fridge space with the one that is included in the fitted kitchen. When we go shopping for our groceries, we cannot stock on meat and vegetables because there is just too little space in the old one. It was really disadvantageous because we end up buying choice cut meat, which are considerably pricey, and we have to go to the groceries once a week to furnish our supplies.
Fortunately, my husband was determined to buy us a big fridge with a freezer so that he can also stock up on pork legs and feet, which he uses as soup stock for his ramen. Was I so happy! We went to the appliance store and searched for the ONE. It took us quite a while because we were deciding between a white one and a stainless steel. We finally settled on the stainless steel Liebherr upright ref-freezer combi after much thought.
What I like about this appliance it that it keeps vegetables and fruits fresh for a longer period of time so I don't have to worry on stocking them too. And it has adjustable shelving so I can move them whenever I want depending on the space I need. You can also control the temperature for both the freezer and the fridge and has an option for Superfrost for the freezer and ventilation for the fridge. I know that we will have this one for quite a long time. It also has a A++ efficiency grade, which means savings in energy consumption and green emissions.
It even has become a home to our little girl's artworks and our magnetic souvenirs. :)

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