When I was still doing my Master's degree, it was very tiring to go to the campus and going from one institute to another for the different lectures. Getting from one place to another, especially in the cold seasons, has proven to be very tasking especially that I don't have long, quick legs. I wanted to be more mobile but driving a car to get to the campus in Vaihingen is impossible since I don't have a driver's license then. Going by bicycle is also not an option since I don't know how to ride one.
I was thinking of getting myself a scooter. I am sure it will not be as difficult to maneuver as a bicycle plus it is faster. And there are mopeds for sale that are really inexpensive and very suitable for ladies like me. Ain't this pink one just cute? The younger crowd will definitely go for this one. But since I already fiinished my Master's (thank goodness!), I think I will not really be needing a scooter or a moped or whatever you call it. Perhaps my daughter can have one when she goes to university and we only live in the vicinity of the university where she will attend in the future. Crossing fingers!

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