Thursday, July 9, 2020

Helpful Translation Tools

Working in a foreign country is not always easy. Because of the language barrier, one cannot always express his/her thoughts and opinions effectively. Good thing there are online translation tools that help us get the work done faster and easier. 

There are three tools that I always find useful when searching for the right words or when translating sentences from German to English and vice versa. 

1. Linguee - I love this translation dictionary not only because it gives several synonyms but also because it gives various examples of how the words are used in a sentence and its translated version. I have always used this when doing translation work for a food and beverage database and it has definitely made my job easier. 

2. Google Translate - Let us all admit it, google translate is the "go-to" website when it comes to translating from one language to another. Google translate has also improved a lot in the last few years, making better translations. So yes, I also find it very helpful. It is very easy to use, just type in or 'copy + paste' the words or sentences that you want translated and it automatically detects the language you want to translate. All you need to do next is select the language you want it translated to and you are done! 

3. DeepL - this is also another free online translating tool similar to Google Translate. It uses artificial intelligence (AI) to understand and translate texts. But what's great about this tool is that it can also translate an entire document (in Word or Powerpoint format). For now, it supports the following languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Japanese and Chinese. I have read many great reviews about this translating tool, surpassing Google Translate so this one is really worth the try!

Do you also know other free online translation tools? What are your experiences about it? Is it any good? Please leave me a comment about it. 


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